We created this state-of-the art iOS and Android friendly music app to empower all independent musicians and stakeholders. Embedded with social video streaming, networking, and talent spotting features, it connects artists and music fans from around the world.

We created this state-of-the art iOS and Android friendly music app to empower all independent musicians and stakeholders. Embedded with social video streaming, networking, and talent spotting features, it connects artists and music fans from around the world.


Sprk Music


Music + Social Networking App


Intelligent Recommendations

Brilliant Search Features

Impeccable Media Upload

Seamless User Experience

Comprehensive Admin Tools

Technology Stack



Private Cloud

Java (Android)

Scala 2.11


Reactive mongo extension 0.10.2

About SPRK Music: Sprk Music Ltd is a London based comprehensive music industry service provider that uses cutting-edge technology to drive and deliver everyone's music needs. They reached out to us to prepare a unique music app that is phenomenal at streamlining and simplifying collaboration between labels, producers, industry experts, artists, and fans, paving the way for a more revenue-driven future.

The Challenge:

After understanding the concept from the SPRK Music team, mobile app developers at AFOM identified the following challenges:

The Analysis:

Our team, after carefully researching the market and understanding the dynamics behind the music apps, drafted a well-crafted strategy based on the analysis done. Here is the gist of the analysis:

The Solution:

The Final Result:

SPRK Music was impressed with AFOM’s development and design methodology. A great partnership was created during the successful development of this app. Our expertise on the Android and iOS platforms allowed us to develop this app that perfectly matches the client’s requirements.

Since launch in 2020