We created an online networking and support community platform for the millions of UK self-employed or home workers.

We created an online networking and support community platform for the millions of UK self-employed or home workers.




Social Networking, Networking


Seamless User Experience

Comprehensive Admin Tools

Powerful Search Features

Flexible Permissions

Intelligent Recommendations

Technology Stack


Private Cloud

Java (Android)



Play framework 2.3

Scala 2.11


Reactive mongo extension 0.10.2

About NewWorkMates: NewWorkMates is a social and business networking community for the self-employed..

The Challenge:

After understanding the concept from the NewWorkMates team, developers at AFOM identified the following challenges:

The Analysis:

Our team, after carefully researching the market and understanding the dynamics behind the Social Media platform, drafted a well-crafted strategy based on the analysis done.

The Solution:

The Final Result:

NewWorkMates was impressed with AFOM’s design methodology. A great partnership was created during the successful development of this platform. Our expertise on development and design allowed us to develop this platform that perfectly matches the client’s requirements.